Friday, September 23, 2016

The Power of Community

These past few days of school have improved since my post about breathing (post here). My participation in English class has increased since we started reading the well-known To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and one of my goals this year is to contribute, pose and answer provocative and discussion pushing questions.
Last week I also wrote about my struggles in math class. But this week, math couldn’t have flowed more smoothly. It’s a class where discussion, collaboration and cooperation is encouraged, in fact, mandatory. The other day (Tuesday if I remember correctly), we were tackling some difficult literal equations. Challenged in class with the isolation and the plugging in to check the equation in the end, it wasn’t until I was  given around 10 minutes in class to start my homework that I began to incorporate the few concepts I had grasped in class. Our teacher offered us the choice to chose small, selective groups of people to work along. I decided to work with three other boys. To be frank, all four of us appeared somewhat overwhelmed after the fast-paced explanation prior in class. What amazed me was the power we created when we worked together. I frequently rave about synergy, yet this instance reminded me of the even stronger force that can be created when we work together as a community. Community, defined as when you feel a part of a societal group, when you feel important, needed, and welcomed. As a result, our group completed seven of the ten literal equation problems in a matter of 10-ish minutes, just because we had cooperated with each other, learned from each other, supported each other, and made each other feel like we belong. That feeling, that feeling. It stuck with me throughout the week and I’m sure it will continue to adhere. I feel a…brightness, almost. A sense of being appreciated. And I think the world needs that more of that sense…that pleasure. Dale Carnegie once said the one thing all humans covet, no matter social status or income levels, is the desire to be important.

What it feels like to be a part of something…something important. What it feels like to be welcomed. To be comfortable voicing your opinions. To be a part of a community, a second family. I’m almost positive I experienced that feeling this past Tuesday. The people you’re surrounded with help you achieve your life goals. You learn. You grow. You fail. And you learn again. I suppose this third week of school has taught me this; the importance of community and the life-long effect of how we welcome each other.

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