Sunday, May 6, 2018

Do something everyday that scares you

Do something everyday that scares you. That’s what Eleanor Roosevelt wisely stated.  Frankly, I struggle to step outside of my comfort zone, and I tend to muse over situations for a while before making them.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more introspective than when I was younger.  Perhaps this is natural with age but I've become better at thinking things over than when I was younger.  I’m not as blunt as I used to be and my actions are more reserved.  

Yesterday, I went outside at night for a walk and some boys in my class were playing basketball by our cluster deans house.  I usually don’t hang out with these people, and there have been innumerable times I’ve passed them playing, yet just walked by.  It was different yesterday.  A goal of mine for next year is to be more relaxed, or “chill” as they say, and I believe I will be able to forge more friendships.  One of the boys made a beautiful three-point shot, and instead of walking right past the court, I stopped and acknowledged the shot.  It was a pretty simple acknowledgement.  I shouted, “Hey! Nice shot!”  

In the blur of the event, that was the most frightening moment; shouting something out and being in that insecure position of not knowing how my classmates would react.  I was half afraid they’d judge me, and the other half of me was afraid I would run away in cowardice.  Except none of that happened.  Well, maybe I was judged a little bit, but my classmates invited me to join casually.  And that’s how I ended up playing basketball on a 70 degree spring night at 10:30 PM in my cluster deans driveway.  It was exhilarating.  I haven’t touched a basketball in years, and at the same time, I got some pretty good laughs through being with these people.  

Do something everyday that scares you.  It’s difficult to describe the feeling that rippled through me.  It was an eccentric mix of cowardice, tension, anxiety, and excitement.  Nevertheless, I got some good big belly laughs, and I learned that I just have to try to step out. It's also a great conversation opener.  I’m a broken record.  I’ve written about appearing more relaxed before, but it’s hard when my personality, my style, and my conduct gives off vibes of being strict with myself.  Perhaps it’s time to start cherishing that giddy feeling that permeates when I do step out of my comfort zone.  

Do something everyday that scares you.  

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