Friday, August 5, 2016

The Olympics and Synergy

August 5, 2016. It’s been a day slowly encroaching upon the world’s population. The 2016, Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. You could argue the Olympics is a competition against other countries in various sporting events. I agree, yet I also believe that there is a more significant purpose to these events.
Athletes may compete for themselves, yet in a larger, more universal scale, they are competing for their country. When many athletes from one mutual country have the desire and the drive to work together, that country will have a better chance at succeeding in these events. Although I do not believe success is like a pie, where there is a “100%” mark, I do believe that it is not achieved by man himself. He must be work together with others. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, (which you all know I rave about!) Sean Covey dedicates a whole chapter to the discussion of the importance of synergy. Mathematically incorrect, yet exemplifying universal success, 1+1=3. This is what the Olympics represent for each country.

The Olympics serve yet another greater purpose, beyond the competition, self-integrity of athletes, and synergizing statement within each country. It is one of the few events that involves all major countries and most of the smaller. It is a global event. The Olympics are where the enmity between each country, relating to international relationships, trade etc. are neglected. We tend to forsake the grudges held against other countries. The Olympics are competitions against other countries, synergizing movements, and a major event that brings the whole world together.


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