Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Thank You

Last, year I wrote a letter to each of my parents for Thanksgiving, telling the impact each of them has played in my 13, nearly 14 years of life. This year, I’m trying something a little different. I’ve written a poem instead [which I haven’t done in a long time], about what I appreciate this year. Here I go.

“Thank you to…”

It is during this day of the year,
that the streets are nearly devoid of noise.
It’s the silent sound of the outdoors that astounds me.
I don’t know what everyone does at home, but I do know this:
It is a day when I genuinely reflect and be
grateful for all the privilege I am given,
grateful for all the people in my inner circle,
grateful for all the support I am given and sometimes take for granted.

Thank you to the postman,
who not only delivers mail to my box everyday,
but closes the lid when it rains.

Thank you my doctor,
who subscribed me FloVent,
and mitigated my symptoms of asthma early past spring.

Thank you to authors of self improvement books,
who try to bring out the best in readers,
who are selfless in sharing their own experiences. *

Thank you to my advisor, who is also my science teacher,
for supporting me through applications,
and for always being on top of answering her student’s questions.**

Thank you to all my friends,
who spread positive energy, thoughtful ideas
and bring friendly competition.  

Thank you to my teachers,
whose ultimate goals are to bring new perspective into their student’s lives,
and strive to challenge their students.

And the biggest thanks of all to my parents,
who work tirelessly to support me through school,
and inspire me daily to establish my morals.

Thank you.

~Ava Long

Happy Thanksgiving!

*Self improvement/business books link.
**I sent an email asking a question at nearly 9 PM, not expecting a reply until the next morning, but sure enough, there was a reply 8 minutes later.

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