Saturday, November 7, 2020

11/7: History is made

Today, the American people elected Joe Biden as the 46th President-elect of the United States of America. Kamala Harris, the Vice President-elect would be the first female Vice President in US history. Today, history was made. 

From the WSJ

The internet is bursting with this news. From podcasts to websites to commentary articles, everything seems to be focused on some aspect of this unprecedented, utterly important 2020 election. I particularly enjoyed this NYTimes article. Not only was the language smooth and energetic, but rather than reciting facts about the close election, the writers discussed the implications of Biden's win for the country. It successfully painted the importance of this election in American history. 

There's been a lot of posts circulating on social media too. Quite typical these days as most of my friends seem to getting their news from Instagram. From looking through people's stories, I've noticed a wide variety of posts being shared. This one from NPR's feed stuck out most to me. It's an utterly human moment for Kamala Harris. She's in workout clothes, on a walk-in nature. It provides a very human look into the life of the Vice President-elect, whom we otherwise rarely see in a professional setting. I love hearing Harris's laugh at the end. It's resonant and reveals her warm character. 

I don't think I can successfully do justice to what happened today in American history, which is why I shared these two posts from other media whom I believe has captured what I cannot put into words. All I can say is that nearly 150 million American people, the most in the entire history of US elections, have worked to have their voices heard in the middle of a global pandemic and it's the duty of both candidates to uphold our democracy. 

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