Saturday, September 19, 2020

One week

 It's amazing what can change in just one week. 

One week. 1/52 of a long year. Small but surprisingly powerful. Some weeks go by and I can't seem to pinpoint any noticeable changes in myself. Others go by and I struggle to realize the amount of chaos,hat occurred happened in just…one week. Why is this? Perhaps that's proves the efficacy of blogging once per week. I believe a person really can change in a matter of one week, for better or for worse. 

This past week, I started school. 

I got to know my prefects better. 

I attended a leadership training session about drugs and alcohol. 

I ended a relationship with a friend. 

I complied my summer's work of college essays. 

I received feedback on my common app essay. 

I met all my teachers for the first time. 

Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away at 87.

While each of these moments doesn't directly change me on an individual scale, they collectively represent tangible personal growth in just one week. 

I learned more about myself this past week. 

My morales of fairness was challenged by my friend. 

I adjusted to my schedule for the upcoming 9 nine weeks. 

The culmination of a summer's work on college essays faced reality when I sent my drafts out to my counselor. 

The political landscape changed from just one week ago.

I am continuously amazed by the power of time. I suppose the only thing truly out of human control is this element. Some things only time can tell. For some, that time can't come quickly enough. For others, every week brings an opportunity to become a better person, to understand something more deeply, to support another. I realize again and again that the element moving me forward most is time. Hence, the power behind just one week.

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