Sunday, September 13, 2020

Anxiety, Senior Year, and my goal

 I'm feeling a little anxiety as the first day of classes rolls around the corner. My day begins with my usual workout, followed by the first All School Meeting of the year. My last first ASM of high school. 

It's as if everything is a last first. Last first fall term. Last first time driving to campus in the fall. So many imminent changes in this upcoming year, from knowing where I'll go to college to how the remainder of the year will look. 

I'm trying to gather my thoughts before classes begin and I haven't yet finished working through the weeds. I thought back to what I wrote last week about summer 2020 being the three months that every preceding summer was spent fretting over. This past week I finally found a cohesive, clear way to say what I've been trying to express. This past summer was the most important summer of my childhood. Most important because it was the culmination of everything I've experienced at this point in my meager 17 years of existence. But it's also the most important because it's the summer that would help me transition from a child into an adult. It's the summer before I moved onto the next phase of my life. 

I'm walking into senior year, my first classes, and my last first ASM with one very clear goal for myself. In precedent years, many argued high school was just 3 years plus one term long. And I've heard people say this because many students give up, slack off, or experience an extreme case of senioritis in the winter and spring terms in their final year. My goal is to leave Andover with four solid years of high school under my belt. I signed up for high school, not 3 years and 1 term. I'll continue working hard, learning for the enjoyment of it, and attending all my classes. I must also ensure I continue to choose challenging courses and pushing myself to the limit. Because while I may be moving onto the next phase of my life (college), I'll never finish my academic endeavors so why stop now?

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