Sunday, January 12, 2020

Trust is the easiest thing to lose and the hardest thing to get back

Trust is powerful. This week, I realized that trust entails more than just having the power to confide secrets in someone. It also involves more than just believing someone for their credentials. Trust is more than just a verb or a noun. After thinking about it for a bit, I believe it’s a state of being with someone else. 

Trust enables one to get angry at another. I, at least personally, have never felt comfortable expressing resentment towards people I’m not super close with. Beyond minor annoyances, I never complain or express judgment to those whom I’m can only say “Hello”. One of my friends was mad last week, not at me, but at someone else. Instead, they vented their anger at me and I took that as a compliment that they had instilled enough trust in me to know I wouldn’t take it personally. It requires trust to get angry at people. 

Anger is just one element. I’ve discovered that trust allows us to forgive another. I have a very deep level of trust with my best friend. She has that level of trust in me too. This past week, I was involved in a confusion that she had to clear up with another friend of ours. I was ashamed of myself for my involvement. When I went to her room, she was busy explaining to the third party involved. She was a bit flustered and out of words for the situation, which we ended up working through together to explain. After, I apologized for what happened, a true apology where I realized the extent of the repercussions of what I’d stated. I was touched by my friend’s response: “Don’t worry about it. We have that level of trust”. 

Trust allows us to listen to others. Advice is almost never reciprocated by those whom we do not trust. We hear it, but we forget it. It’s when we remember the advice someone gave from a while back that we can fully appreciate how they had our best interests at heart. It’s where one takes into consideration the words of another before making a decision or performing an action. 

Trust has the potency to help us overcome difficulties in life. It has power in a human connection to dictate behavior that no other state of being can quite accomplish. To conclude this post, I’d like to share a piece of advice my elementary school teacher told me: Trust is the easiest thing to lose and the hardest thing to get back.  

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