Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Farewell 2018; cheers 2019

Happy New Year! (I know I’m writing this a day late). Last year I wrote a wrap up of the year post, and I thought that was a lovely way to conclude the previous and welcome the commencement of the new. I will do something pretty similar this year. 

Speaking honestly, I must say 2017 was the year in my life where everything seemed to work out the way I wanted it to. It was one of those years that spoiled me enough to make me believe that every precedent year would feel similarly and in reality. Little did I know what was to come in 2018. In retrospection, the most difficult part of 2018 was managing my emotions and remaining persistent with my goals. 

Some years pass and it feels short. Others pass and it feels like everything went right (2017 for me). Some pass and I walk out feeling ambivalent, nothing shocking enough to remember (I’d say any year before the age of 7 for me). I think 2018 was none of those types of years. 2018 was a roller coaster of emotions, of constant up and downs. I remember crying myself to sleep many times, screaming at my parents for something that I was solely responsible for, and for letting my emotions affect my disposition for far longer than they deserved. Nevertheless, I’ve discovered that it’s during these types of years that I learn and grow the most. I will never forget what my advisor from my freshman year told me: life is a rollercoaster. There will be highs and lows but what’s important to remember is that when I’m at a low, to remember that it will get better. And likewise, when I’m at a high, to prepare myself for a low and once again, to remind myself that it will be okay. I suppose this is one of the ultimate realizations in life: that it won’t always be a breeze. 

2018 was the year where I learned the true meaning of friendship. 

It was the year where I rediscovered my love for fiction novels. (Some favorites…Educated, Where the Crawdads Sing, The Great Alone).

It was the year where I learned about gratitude and the power of giving back.

It was the year where I discovered how true happiness manifests. 

I’m not upset about 2018 even though I was deeply troubled, insecure, and sad at certain lows throughout the year. Honestly, I’m grateful it happened because I’ve come out of the year stronger than when I approached it. I feel as if I have a game plan now for tackling setbacks and low points and I’m hopeful that 2018 has prepared me well for this year. Cheers to 2019.

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