Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Post of Thanks

This week I struggled for several different reasons. It was a week where everything felt a little out of control. I had many late nights and I woke up early during most days. It was a week where my club felt like it was sprinting a neverending marathon and internal problems skewed the way we worked together this week. I cried a lot this week and I’m not going to try to hide it. I couple weeks ago, I wrote a similar post that I also titled “A Post of Thanks”. I resolved to write more of these types of posts. This week couldn’t have been a better time. 

Thank you to CX, my best friend. She is absolutely amazing, supporting me every day of the week. She was my go-to person to talk to, I knew she’d always offer me emotional support and advice on how to tackle problems. She checked in with me constantly about my days and who it went. I could tell no one else honestly, and she always listened, extending herself out into my shoes. She reminded me ceaselessly to keep calm, and when things got out of control, she'd put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. To a friend who truly cares and listens and supports, thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you to my English teacher for talking with me and letting me confide in an adult on campus. She offered to help me right away. She came into our conversation with an open heart and she soaked in what I told her. She came out of our conversation wanting to take immediate action. 

Thank you to my advisor from freshman year. I’ve written about her before, and she’s the woman I turn to for pep talks and for advice. She comes in with a sense and a plan, and she is a go-getter in solving problems. I love her tenacity in seeing through barriers that I couldn’t fathom overcoming, and her calm and collected outlook. Thank you for the pep talks and your belief that yes, I can. 

Thank you to my math teacher, who checks in with me regularly. He seems to relate, as he graduated from college recently. He understands what’s troubling me, and he told me that it will happen for probably the rest of my life. He is teaching me to fight my own battles, preparing me for the future. 

And thank you to my parents, who have stayed up late at night to answer my phone calls. Who've supported my decisions with rationale and who've kept me calm. Talking to my parents is one of the greatest things I do, and is something I should be doing more of. Thank you to the two people who've supported me with astonishing consistency and endless love. Thank you.

This has not been an easy week. What struck me about this week, was that it wasn't the academics that was giving me the most stress: it was my emotions. I struggled to believe in myself and to recognize my own self-worth. I was beaten down a lot this week, but thanks to all these people and to those beyond this post, I think I’ve found some footing that I can grow upon. 

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