Sunday, August 16, 2020

Some weeks

Some weeks go by faster than others. This past week was another example of those weeks-are-minutes moments. Every minute of the day seemed to be put to use as I worked through some college questions.

Some weeks, history is made and this past week was one of them. For the first time in history, a female person of color has been put on the ballot of a major political party. Kamala Harris would be the first female vice president, first black vice president and first Asian-American vice president if elected. Almost since it's inception, American has never just been one cohort of people; America was built on diversity and immigrants. It's about time that we see that representation in politics. It's not enough for the President, leader, or influencers to say they care about black lives matter, or that they're not racist, or that they support the causes of POCs. They have to show it and nothing shows this celebration of diversity more than through a critical presidential election like 2020. 

Some weeks, the weather is scorching behind reason. Every day this past week saw temperatures in the high 80s to 90s. It was terrifyingly hot and a stark reminder that global warming is happening. I usually love to read outdoors and take a nap under the umbrella but it was so hot this past week that sweat seeped through my shirt even if I was sitting still. 

Some weeks, waking up is easier than others. This past week I didn't accidentally sleep in. By high school, most people have established a personal system for waking up. Some people need to set the alarm earlier than they actually need to be up and others wake up as soon as it goes off. I'm one of those people who needs to be prepared to wake up so I set my alarm a tad bit earlier than I actually want to be up. The problem I've encountered for much of the summer is waking up 1 to 1.5 hours later. This week I was up within 40 minutes of my alarm going off so my day started just that much earlier but it made me feel greatly productive. 

It's about getting through the weeks. I'm looking forward to the week when classes restart. I'm looking forward to the week I turn in my early apps. I'm looking forward to the week when I finally get to see my friends in person. The days just seem to fly by so rapidly they're gone before we realize it. But weeks are still (thankfully) slower. 


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