Sunday, June 28, 2020


This upcoming week, my family will be relocating. We're staying in the Greater Boston metropolitan area though, so it won't be a massive difference in terms of location. 

As the days creep closer to move out day, I'm starting to feel a little nostalgic. I didn't expect to feel this way. I've been wanting to move a while, thinking a little change is always good. I've never moved before and I'm going to be 18 this year. The fact that I've never lived elsewhere, or will I probably ever live in a single house for as long as I have in this one, comes as a bit of a shock. 

I also think about the running and walking routes I've established throughout my town over the years. I know these routes by heart and by mileage. I always know where I'm going and I can speak with confidence that I can navigate most areas of town easily. But this will take a while to become accustomed to in our new town. It's a lot larger first of all, and secondly, I've never really spent a significant portion of time in that part of Massachusetts. I'm excited though. Walking through the neighborhood, I've begun to map out where everything is, how the streets are connected, and how I can get most easily from place to place. 

I've never been deeply connected to my current town, but even then, I'm familiar with it. The mere comfort I feel walking through town, knowing exactly where every store is, and exactly what every store sells is beautiful in itself. Yet when I think about all I don't know about my new town, I suppose there's an adventure around every corner. 

Finally, it's the way I know my own house. It's a familiarity I will have to relocate. At night, I don't need a light and I find the door from my bed. I can locate how close my bed is to the window even in the dark.

Nonetheless, I'm excited for some change. This is a pivotal moment in our lives for so many reasons. On top of what's happening in the world and in my family, I'm also a rising senior. It's like a wave of things just hitting at once but resuming peace once the wave passes. We're at the top of that wave right now. 

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