Sunday, May 17, 2020

My grossly realistic, violently familiar, and randomly compiled non-systemic flows of thoughts

I've been remembering my dreams quite a lot lately. That previous sentence right there, I had to stop myself. I was about to write: I've been dreaming a lot lately. But apparently, humans dream every night, it's more a matter of whether we remember what we've been dreaming.

It's Sunday and I want to cap off this week reflecting on some of the grossly realistic, violently familiar, and randomly compiled non-systemic flows of thoughts in my unconscious self. This past week I've had so many awful, funny, and weird dreams that I'm concerned these are the consequences of changing sleep quality. And what's oddly scary is how detailed my dreams are. Unsure…sleep science is full of uncertainty as a whole.


Earlier in the week, I dreamt I had participated in the murder of someone who was chasing me and my friends. This stunned me so much when I awoke. I rarely engage in violence in my dreams. In fact, I'm usually the one being chased in my dreams. But after my friends and I had stabbed the man, we knew we would be sent to jail so we ran to our town pool, located under shady trees at the foot of a small hill in a suburban neighborhood. At the town pool, there is a sky blue bathhouse with white wood planking. The walls were chipped and quite honestly looked abandoned. One of my friends told me that we had to escape to another world in order to avoid a conviction for our felony. Then we went to a bathroom stall and he told us to flush ourselves down the toilet. He demonstrated it first and told us to follow. I remember very clearly pressing the flush button on the wall but it not working at first. I heard police sirens in the background and new that my time was coming up. Then out of nowhere, I found myself in a weedy, apple picking farm. I was no longer wearing 21st-century clothes, but rather, 18th and 19th-century dresses. It was a floral patterned dress and felt like it weighed 20 pounds alone. Then we trudged through the grassy lanes towards a huge, stone mansion, similar to that of the Palace of Versailles, in the distance. I found myself slipping on the edges of the grassy mini hills. When we arrived at the house, I found tons of people in the house to my surprise. In fact, all of them were wearing 18th-century hats and the men were wearing white wigs. I found that all of them too had committed felonies but that we were protected from the outside world in this stone house and the apple picking field. Then I woke up.

The following evening, I dreamt about taking a soul cycle class on a tennis court at my local club. It was dark in the room, all except for a huge window from which emanated a disgustingly yellow light from the hallway. Anyway, I was biking with one of my friends from middle school. It wasn't very clear what happened next, but I found myself arranging mulch along the outer corner of my lawn. Just the outer corner. Not actually on the flower bed itself.

Another night, towards the end of the week, I dreamt that I was the empress of China. I don't know how that happened. But my family had sieged a temple from the previous ruling family and I found myself living in it. The temple seemed to have 10 floors, though each was very small and contained merely one room. The odd thing I remembered was that although each of these floors had merely one large room in the center of the floor, accessible only through the central staircase, there were at least 3 bathrooms on every floor, connected to all the bathrooms on the floor above and below. I remember exploring several different bathrooms. One was all grey, with a walk-in shower. Another had beige, sand-colored walls. The shower place was actually 3 steps lower than the main part of the bathroom and took up the entirety of the corner of the bathroom. I remember living on the 4th floor of the house, in a large room that was covered with royal blue wallpaper that boasted embroidered red and white zinnias. Then I found myself running because the temple we had just conquered was under siege again. I found myself hiding in the bathrooms and accessing new floors through these bathrooms rather than the central staircase. Quite an oddity.

Last night, I was in a historical hotel. It was not even a historic hotel. It was a castle. But I was not in the hotel for the pleasure of residency. Rather, I was in the hotel to save some rubies that legend said were located on the lowest floor of the castle (through the castle had 13 underground floors). I remember being followed at the airport by someone I knew. But by the time I reached the historic hotel/castle, it became clear that this stalker was set out to harm me. But I soon realized that this stalker had stolen the box of rubies that I sought to return to good hands, perhaps a museum. So my friends and I set out to explore the lower floors of the hotel. On the first lower floor was the hotel gym. Except it didn't look like a gym. Every machine was surrounded by black screeners so from afar, it appeared that the gym was a sea of black screeners. Then we continued on and on into the lowest floors of the castle. On the -12th,] I needed permission to enter the -13th. But thankfully, someone cranked the door open. It was a guard, who was sitting in a ticket-booth like structure by the door to the -13th floor. When my friends and I demanded he show us the box of rubies that we had to return to some museum, he pulled a huge box out of the wall on the -13th floor. Cautiously, holding our breath, we pushed off the lid to the huge box. Sure enough, inside were rubies. But also there was a mummy, on which the rubies were wrapped.


Those are four of the dreams I remember most vividly this past week. I share with my parents every weird dream I have, such as these, and trust me, they're even weirder when spoken aloud. Anyway, if you've made it to this point in the article, hopefully, it means I haven't bored you with my dream recollection. It's funny how most of these dreams are loosely related to concerns and thoughts in my present-day but do not align exactly. Perhaps they're just my subconscious sorting through my thoughts that I can't recall through conscious hours. Maybe I'll never know.

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