Saturday, November 24, 2018

A post of thanks

I spent my Thanksgiving on a sailboat down in Florida. I was down in Key West for most of this past week, so I was unable to blog, but as I say every year, gratitude should be given constantly. So, here I go, a few days late, a little bit tired from the late night flight, but still grateful. 

I’m eternally grateful for my parents. They drive up to school each weekend, not just to see me, but to help me with subjects I’m struggling with. I’m grateful for them staying up until I go to bed, explaining physics to me. For allowing me to vent my anger out, even when they have nothing to do with whatever’s upsetting me. For putting my happiness and my wants above their needs. For trying to put my failures and setbacks into perspectives, and for pushing me to be better every single day. Thank you thank you thank you.

I’m grateful for my best friend at school. I haven’t had a “best friend” in a while, but I can confidently say that my best friend at school brings me the greatest laughs each day. We have a compatible companionship (yes we even brush our teeth together) and she helps me in school work. I suppose our personalities and organization are polar opposites and I don’t know how we became friends but what I’ve found is that my best friend fills in the gaps where I’m lacking. Whatever it is about us two, I wouldn’t change a thing. 

I’m grateful for my math teacher for being a teacher beyond math. He’s a writer, he would make a great comedian, and he gives his students individually tailored advice. 

I’m grateful for my teachers, for all the people I’ve toured at school who’ve cheered up my Thursdays, and for all the Starbucks I’ve had. 

“Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving day but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have” -Caroline Pulsifer

That's why I didn't title this post "Thanksgiving".  This post is really just "A Post of Thanks" and I should write more of these posts throughout the year.

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