Sunday, May 29, 2016

Fads In My Seventh Grade Year

School is ending. The long road, which everlastingly stretched beyond a visible horizon, on which I stood back in September, is now close to termination. My seventh grade year has disappeared into the clouds in a matter of what felt like only a few months. I can only imagine being in high school in a year. For the next two weeks, I will be posting about seventh grade, the memories, the teachers and the fun. This post is called “Fads In My Seventh Grade Year.” Since the beginning of the school, people have been obsessing over various dance moves, celebrities, and youtube videos. Whether or not these fads represent anything, some are still prevalent among the student body, while others have slowly withered away. This is a memoir; this is a memory; and this is one slim glance at seventh grade.

The Whip Nae Nae
This video has 868 million views. Seriously. It’s sudden fame and capricious withering is what I will remember most about this fad. Emulating this dance move was recess competition and it somehow represented being “cool.”

The Running Man Challenge.
The dance move with crossed legs and shaking hands. The dance move that almost every boy in the grade attempting to imitate. Drama class. Science class. Every class.

This seems to be a move that demonstrates “coolness” and being “chill.” What does that even mean? Head in elbow, other arm outstretched behind your head…

Hello, by Adele
The lyrics in the first verse of Hello by Adele were input EVERYWHERE! I mean, teachers generally start the class by saying “Hello” to the class. The response was, “It’s me.” Even emails included lyrics from Hello! It was talked, it was sang, it was danced to: it was Hello.

The sign on money. I frankly do not understand what it means. I don’t know if I ever will. It was particularly prevalent especially during the winter months. It was used if you were taking some test and you didn’t know the answer. If you were a seventh grade teacher giving a difficult test, expect some answers on some students tests to look like this:

Illuminati confirmed.


It seems that kimchi made its way to one of the fads of seventh grade along with the illuminati. There was a boy in the seventh grade who just really liked kimchi and South Korea. He would jump around and flap his arm around and say in a high, squeaky, yet blissful voice, “Kimchi! Kimchi! Kimchi!” He also frequently sang a song involving kimchi and “sous” korea. Apparently it was called the Kimchi Song.

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