Friday, September 21, 2018

Insecurity Kills Dreams

"Insecurity kills more dreams than failure ever will"

I love the people in my dorm.  Each person in my dorm is unique in their own right. Some people are fashionistas, others are academically focused, some are varsity Crew rowers, others are theater production experts, and there are other people who are in our schools biggest improv group.  Each person in my dorm inspires me in a different way.  I guess that's the beauty of being in an upperclassmen dorm.  People are more focused in certain areas, they know what they like and what they dislike, and people's true colors are expressed.  

There's one girl in my dorm who's a senior.  She is one of the smartest people I know, a student in Organic Chemistry, expert in computer science, and from what I've heard, incredibly skilled in mathematics.  Every morning when I wake up, I go upstairs to the Common Room and I always pass by her room.  I've noticed that each week, she writes a different quote on her whiteboard.  I'm a aficionado for meaningful and unique quotes.  I found this on her white board earlier this week.  I've found that even as a returning lower I'm still trying to find my way and in the back of my mind this quote has pushed me to step outside my comfort zone, to talk to people who are new, to implement the feedback my English teacher gave me on my writing asap, to execute my clubs new venture, and dare to dream big.   

Thank you Zahra for this quote. 

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