I can’t help but observe how spring is slowly holding grip of itself, seconds away from thoroughly exploding behind the shadow winter left upon Boston. These past 3 days have been remarkably warmer than the previous weeks. It must be a sign that spring is approaching.
Friday must have been the first sign of warmth through this winter. I must admit, this particular winter has been considerably generous to us in terms of lowest temps and amount of snow. I remember that one year [I believe 3 years ago], when it snowed three feet of snow one night. Friday was 72 degrees. It was so much warmer than the previous days that my body hadn’t adjusted to the temperature yet. I changed into shorts at school.
After school, I went out for a six mile run around town. I was planning on doing a 4 miler, but I couldn’t resist the sunshine or the freedom running in shorts felt like. And there were people. Lots of people. Running. Walking. Biking. Pushing baby strollers around. It was quite different than what I had observed running outside merely a week ago. I run outside through the winter [unless the temps drop below 32 degrees, then I’m on the treadmill], and for the first time in what felt like months, I saw many people outdoors, enjoying the sunshine, enjoying the ability to walk outside without shivering in a parka. It seems to me that this springback from winter lures more people out of their doors than the peaks of summer, or even the approach of winter.
By January, many people just can’t stand the cold any longer. By February, they’re peeking out their windows to see whether spring is coming or not. And by March, when the warmth finally hits, people can’t wait to dash outdoors.
I feel my mood lightening. I’ve talked about how the weather impacts our moods, but this weather, the commencement of spring, is a symbol of the resilience nature possesses. The days weather, is often my minds weather. And for this reason, I see this time of year as inexorably magical.