Sunday, March 24, 2019

Time's greatest gift

Time’s greatest gift is its ability to alleviate and dissipate our most troublesome worries. 

To my 16-year-old ears, the phrase “Just sleep on it” couldn’t stand truer.  Magic happens overnight and I’ve discovered how dark clouds of worry in my head before bedtime clear when I wake up. It’s starting fresh. Issues and worries that seem to have no end during the long nights suddenly appear to have feasible solutions. To this sense of clarity, I thank time. 

Sometimes, things happen during the day that I know even sleep won’t mitigate and these occurrences can strain my ability to think clearly. I found that time creates distance. It’s like we’re on an evergoing train powered by time where every stop is a event. Time drives us further from each stop. I’ve discovered that after a certain threshold of stops, I end up looking at that troublesome stop in the distance with some pity. In certain cases, of course, these are life-altering stops, but most of the time they look petty in the distance. I end up asking myself, was it really worth all that stress? 

Regular readers of my blog will know that I’m a believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason and I’ve come to realize that time is a significant proponent.

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