Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Farewell 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
The oak and the willow
― Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven
Saturday, December 12, 2020
2030 by Dr. Mauro Guillén
Over Thanksgiving break (feels like a long time ago!), I read 2030 by Dr. Mauro Guillén from the Wharton School of Business. I think Guillén is one of the most innovative thinkers in this business world because he looks at business problems from a global lens. I took his Coursera course, called "Global Trends for Business and Society" after which, I just had to read his new book.
Every time I pick up Guillén, I know I'm going to think about problems differently; he shifts my perspective. In 2030, Guillén focuses on what he calls "lateral thinking." Instead of thinking about problems as a trickle-down effect, he urges readers to see how one facet can relate to multiple problems, therefore, being laterally connected.
Before reading 2030, I grappled with China's growing influence as an economic superpower. I realized that the problem in my thinking was that I failed to see that this was almost inexorable because of China's massive population. Not only that, but Guillén argues that in the next decade, the markets will considerably shift towards Asian consumer tastes. This arises from the fact that the middle classes in Asia are growing and the population is still relatively young. Naturally, if businesses are to profit, it would be prudent of them to shift their focus to the Asian markets. Perhaps this issue has become particularly prominent because of the US leadership in the last four years. Nonetheless, regardless of the policies Western countries may try to institute to protect commerce and business, a major problem still exists that may hinder all progress: demographic shifts that benefit the Asian market.
I've also been challenged to think about aging populations. One statistic stuck out to me: the 60+ age group owns 80% of the wealth in the US and 55% globally yet only 1 in 7 companies properly targets this age group. Companies would benefit from creating products for this age group!
What also struck me was the fact that in the US today, there are 120 million people in the middle class – defined as a household making between $30k and $150k per year – and 121 middle people in the combined upper and working classes. There are more people on the extremes than in the middle. This is both an interesting and horrifying number. There seem to be many reasons for this, wealth inequality being one. But another problem is that there are fewer stable, high paying jobs in this country due to the emergence of the sharing economy. Consequently, millennials, defined as people born between 1980 to 1995, are having a hard time getting into the middle class because it's harder to secure those jobs. This is also contributing to the US's shrinking middle class, among other factors like higher divorce rates or putting off rites of passage like marriage.
This brings me to the final point that really struck me from 2030. And it's that immigrants create an inexplicably positive impact on our economy. Immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. That's the common reason I've heard cited before, except it's so much more than that. Immigrants tend to be either high skills or low skills workers, meaning they're filling in the jobs that we need most. They also tend to have more children, keeping our fertility rates up. Compared to their native counterparts, immigrants tend to save more money and aspire to own houses, cars, and get married, all of which benefit the recipient country and its economy. I am curious as to how subsequent decades will be shaped by the behaviors of the children of immigrants.
I could go on and on about Dr. Guillén's work. He is truly an inspirational writer and thinker. I find myself citing his work even in my classes. I give 2030 five stars. It will truly change the way you think about the world.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
This past week, I turned 18, a big year for obvious reasons like legally entering adulthood. I'm both excited and nervous for adulthood for the plethora of other new responsibilities that come with it.
I'm one week into adulthood and the funny thing is I feel far from it, a testament to the adage that "age is just a number." I'm feeling that peculiar misalignment right now because, for example, I'm supposed to pay taxes as an adult. But at the same, I'm an "adult" who still can't drive (or even has a permit for that matter). I'm also an adult who still lives with my parents as a "student." And I'm an "adult" who hasn't earned any assets of my own. I seem to be taking on multiple identities at once; I'm legally something I don't feel.
That train of questioning led me to think, what's up with age? Do experiences define age? Does having done a certain "bucket list" of items define adulthood? Sometimes I come across super mature students who are younger than me who speak, think, and act nothing like their age. I can't help but wonder why. Perhaps they've simply lived through more dynamic or nonlinear experiences. For example, some of my older friends say that a major breakup in a relationship can "add years and wisdom." Or, experiencing the loss of a loved one engenders wisdom and age too.
Regardless of what the law says, I still feel like a kid at heart because I know I haven't experienced enough. I thirst to know what holds beyond high school, both socially, career-wise, and academically. I feel I have a lot of exploring – of both myself and the world – to do and until I acquire knowledge on that front, I don't think I'll ever "feel" like an adult. To me, it's almost the accumulation of experiences that define age. And some people get there faster than others and that's okay. Nonetheless, I cannot wait for what's in store in the upcoming years of adulthood.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Senior Fall
Senior fall is a notorious term for high schoolers in the US. It's a time when students are both applying to colleges but also trying to manage likely the hardest combination of courses of their high school careers. This was certainly the case for me this past term. Nonetheless, I believe times of uncertainty, stress, and difficulty are the times that build the most character and the times when I've grown the most as a person. So while I'm relishing the last couple of days of Thanksgiving break, I'm also using this time to reflect upon what I've learned during this past, unprecedented term.
The logistical aspects of this term have certainly challenged my scheduling skills as a student. Whereas in previous terms classes were taken during the day and homework completed that night, 8 PM classes have really disrupted this norm. I'm now used to saving work given from a night class for the morning. The notion of "saving work for tomorrow morning" was something I could not imagine myself doing before. While I'm not the person who feels they have to complete assignments as soon as they're posted, I'm still the kind of student who starts assignments well before they're due. Night classes required some adjusting from that tendency of mine and personal acceptance that sometimes I won't complete everything by the time I go to bed. And that's okay.
Due to the limitations generated by the health pandemic, I've been forced to change the way I think about socializing. While Andover gave students the option to return to the campus in the fall, I chose to stay remote for the term. Many of my friends who returned to campus mentioned in classes that they felt it wasn't the same Andover, or that it wasn't the Andover "senior year experience" because of the socializing opportunities. In this sense, I suppose everyone was on the same boat in terms of reimaging socializing. For me, texting people was the primary way I communicated. If I saw something that reminded me of someone, I would reach out to them casually. Of course, this form of communication could never replace in-person or what once was. But I think most students have managed to navigate these foreign waters in some shape or form.
Finally, the last important thing I experienced as a student this term was a comeback. I think something a lot of students are used to is things coming easily and flowing smoothly. I can ascertain that until this term, I was one of those students. Comprehension came with inputting time. Executing a plan came with setting a schedule. But this past term, for the first time in my high school career, a lot of things did not flow smoothly. I was having trouble identifying grammar mistakes in French essays, even if I spent hours editing my paper. I was simply blind to those errors until my teacher circled them. I was also having trouble picking up topics in other subjects. While part of this is a result of taking on the hardest course load I've ever had at Andover, I think a great deal of this came from the fact that my head was in multiple spaces at once. At all times, I was thinking about school work, the pandemic, and college applications. And at the midterm, my performance in some classes wasn't in the best shape. Nonetheless, I managed to improve in all my classes in the second half of the term, my comeback. As cliché as it sounds, for the first time, I really experienced the adage "it's not over until it's over." More importantly, senior fall was a precursor of the fact that I'm really going to have to work for things I want in the future and that no, I shouldn't get used to things coming smoothly; accomplishing what I want is going to take hard work, grit, and perseverance.
I am grateful for this past term. Even though it's not socially what anyone anticipated, I've learned and grown in ways I don't think I would've had life been normal. My second to last term at Andover begins on Wednesday. I cannot wait for what's in store.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Thanksgiving 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
The Queen's Gambit
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Résumé Virtues and Eulogy Virtues
A couple years back, I used to visit the site Medium frequently. It's an idea-sharing platform, almost like a news source with a blog-style take. I must be frank, I'd fallen out of the habit of checking Medium, but a few weeks ago, our class read an article from the site in EBI. I immediately reconnected with the feelings that attracted me the Medium in the first place after reading "Résumé Virtues, Eulogy Virtues, and the Impact of Small Moments". This article resonated greatly with me and I've been reflecting on it for some time now since EBI.
In this article, Mike Sturm argues most people possess two sets of traits. For example, being a hard-worker, responsible, articulate, and intelligent are what Sturm calls "résumé virtues". They're the kinds of traits that employers want to see, but that you wouldn't necessarily highlight when introducing someone in a non-work setting. "Résumé" traits are also what many schools tend to breed in students these days through rewarding those who focus on perfecting their school work over other areas of their beings.
On the other hand, Sturm designates the second set of traits as "eulogy virtues". Possessing traits like charisma, emotional intelligence, resiliency, kindness, patience, and an optimistic character are, as the term suggests, traits you'd say in a eulogy. Sturm writes that in today's high-power, forward-thinking society, people are wrongly raised to focus almost exclusively on résumé traits. In turn, these soft skills or characteristics are inadvertently de-emphasized. And I couldn't agree with him more.
For most of my academic career, I've believed in educating the whole person. I've always found character to be the thing that draws me most to people. When I say "character", I'm referring to what Sturm calls "eulogy virtues." I don't understand what it is about our education system, but too often it fails to reward those traits. Instead, the system rewards people for résumé virtues. People with strong résumé virtues often perform better in school and receive better job offers. They may be called the "alphas".
But I see the implications of this every day. When people don't feel they're rewarded for things like kindness or emotional intelligence, they don't spend time developing or reflecting upon those areas of themselves. This can people to be reluctant to help peers. Peers feel ultra-competitive, pushing themselves to the limits to oust everyone else from the performance picture. In the work environment, it pushes everyone to be extra critical of each other to the point where at some companies, I've read that it's normal for "team" meetings to lead to people crying. Where is it that we lost the ability to be constructive and kind? To be compassionate and hardworking. To be optimistic and data-driven. Where is it that we lost eulogy values?
Perhaps it's even too general to denominate these as "eulogy" values because they're not just things that we should say when someone passes. "Eulogy virtues" touches upon the fundamentals of human character. Of personality. Of genuine goodness in people. And while a herd of people with strong résumé virtues may serve the economy relentlessly, we shouldn't lose sight of the value of a good human being.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
My cat turns 20!
My cat, Beibei, has been with me since day 1. Seriously. As my parents tell it, when they came home from the hospital with me, she didn't leave my side because she couldn't tell what I was! It shocks me somewhat to think about the life my cat has lived thus far. My cat was 2 years old when I came home. I'm leaving for college next fall and she's still here! She's made it to the twenties before me yet she's spent most of her life observing us, humans. Perhaps this explains her inexplicable intelligence. My family likes to say that "Beibei knows everything". She truly does. For example, when we talk about her in conversations, her tail begins to waver up and down as she picks out her name mid-sentence. Through the ups and downs, she's seen it all in this family. Happy 20th, Beibei.
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One of my favorite pictures of Beibei. She was only 2 years old here! |
Saturday, November 7, 2020
11/7: History is made
Today, the American people elected Joe Biden as the 46th President-elect of the United States of America. Kamala Harris, the Vice President-elect would be the first female Vice President in US history. Today, history was made.
From the WSJ |
The internet is bursting with this news. From podcasts to websites to commentary articles, everything seems to be focused on some aspect of this unprecedented, utterly important 2020 election. I particularly enjoyed this NYTimes article. Not only was the language smooth and energetic, but rather than reciting facts about the close election, the writers discussed the implications of Biden's win for the country. It successfully painted the importance of this election in American history.
There's been a lot of posts circulating on social media too. Quite typical these days as most of my friends seem to getting their news from Instagram. From looking through people's stories, I've noticed a wide variety of posts being shared. This one from NPR's feed stuck out most to me. It's an utterly human moment for Kamala Harris. She's in workout clothes, on a walk-in nature. It provides a very human look into the life of the Vice President-elect, whom we otherwise rarely see in a professional setting. I love hearing Harris's laugh at the end. It's resonant and reveals her warm character.
I don't think I can successfully do justice to what happened today in American history, which is why I shared these two posts from other media whom I believe has captured what I cannot put into words. All I can say is that nearly 150 million American people, the most in the entire history of US elections, have worked to have their voices heard in the middle of a global pandemic and it's the duty of both candidates to uphold our democracy.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”
–Robert FrostSunday, October 25, 2020
A Response to "Why Does Trump Win With White Men?"
This weekend, I read a troubling opinion article in the NYTimes titled "Why Does Trump Win With White Men?".
This article captured my attention, mostly because it began by declaring America would look very different if only white males could vote. "We’d have a Senator Roy Moore representing Alabama, where 72 percent of the state’s white male voters…cast their ballot for a man who was accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl…We’d likely have a Senator David Duke from Louisiana…And there would never have been a President Barack Obama".
Writer Michael Sokolove went on to address the big question in academics: why? He begins by shoving statistics. Trump leads Biden amongst white men by a 12-percent margin: 53 to 41. The most recent NYTimes poll shows that more men back Trump than Biden (48% versus 42%) and that for women, it's the overwhelming opposite: 35% back Trump and 58% back Biden.
Sokolove declared in his article that a "gender gap" exists between how men and women choose to vote: "Women tend to cast votes based on what they perceive as the overall benefit to the nation and their communities. Men are more self-interested." This raised question marks for me. It did not sit right with me. I wondered, is Sokolove viewing the complete picture? Does saying something like this inherently perpetuate sexism?
Sociologist Martin Gilens, the chairman of the public policy department at UCLA stated that the origins of the "gender gap" in voting likely "reflects traditional differences in male and female values and personalities, differences such as men’s greater competitiveness and concerns with issues of power and control, and women’s greater compassion and nurturance, rejection of force and violence, and concern with interpersonal relations.” This is extremely outdated language! I wrestled with Dr. Gilen's words, which didn't seem to fit right into today's context where women are increasingly gaining more rights throughout the world, delaying childbirth, entering male-dominated fields like government and business, and going to school at higher rates than ever throughout the world.
Furthermore, Sokolove's article failed to address how toxic societal constructions surrounding "manliness" may drive the vote. The current president is brunt, displays vile behavior towards women, which his supporters seem to care little about, and rather than seeking to unite the country, he aggressively divides it. Sokolove makes the argument that white men tend to vote for Trump because their "main concern is more likely to be the balance in his 401(k) account." But in making that statement, Sokolove overlooked an entire group of white men who may vote for Trump out of desperation to adhere to "masculinity" standards. Trump's policies inhibit women's rights, such as abortion, more than Biden's. Particularly with Trump's recent Supreme Court nomination, Amy Coney Barrett, who is extremely pro-life, the current president supports policies that strengthen the patriarchy. This may also be driving the white male vote.
I appreciate how numbers-driven Sokolove's article is. And I also like how he delved into historical voting patterns, stating that the "gender gap" likely emerged around Reagan's election in 1980. He also provided many examples to support his argument. I think perhaps in a broader, historical sense, his argument about the gender gap in voting patterns may be true. But in this election, I would say it does not apply. The economy is in a recession no matter what so re-electing our current president is not a bet on 401(k)s. This year is unprecedented and it's time to change.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Election 2020 and Michael Beschloss
I'm disenchanted by the fact that I'm less than one month too young to vote in the 2020 election. In fact, I am precisely 28 days too young; the election happens just four weeks before my 18th birthday.
Last night, Andover invited Michael Beschloss '73 to talk about the importance of the imminent November 3rd date. Beschloss is an American historian who specializes in the US Presidency. I attended his talk over Zoom on Friday night, which inspired me a new understanding of the importance of this election from a historical aspect.
Beschloss's talk resonated most when he dissected the outlooks of the first few presidents of the United States, namely George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and compared them to the current administration. I soaked in Beschloss's words because they reminded me of what I'd learned in my US history course last year about the founding of this country. He spoke to how George Washington's humbleness and refusal to serve a third term as the first President of the United States set a precedent for future leaders of this country. And from a historical sense, this makes sense: the two term limit wasn't amended until after FDR's third term in the late 1940s post WWII. Beschloss also mentioned how Washington and Jefferson refused to take third terms because they believed the United States President was honor-bound not too take too much power. Jefferson didn't even dress up for his inaugural day; he dressed as an ordinary citizen because he believed the role of the President was not to be monarchical.
This part lingered with me greatly, because what this country has witnessed in the past year would put Jefferson and Washington to tears. The democracy of this country, the ability to have our voices heard through voting, is at risk. This democracy that hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for throughout the entire history of this country, that was actually the catalyst for the very founding of this country, is all at risk because we have a president who is trying to hinder our voices from being heard.
When the President of the United States quotes the Soviet Union, snuggles up to our enemies while affronting our allies, and harbors pertinent information from the American people, I cannot help but believe this person is trying to become a dicator, not the President of a freedom-loving, democratic society that Washington and Jefferson embodied and envisioned. Our current President honors none of the values upon which this country was founded and neglects the history of this nation. Nevertheless, he advertently spreads blasphemous lies in an attempt to deceive the American people with false information.
While I write this post today, I must be frank in that I did not always feel as strongly about voting this man out of office. His treatment of women, transactions with foreign leaders, and the image he projected of America always bothered me. Yet as an Independent, and an independent thinker, I gave him a chance. The economy was doing well before the pandemic. Unemployment rates were at a 50 year low, the mean household income had risen to over $68,000, and the market was performing well. Nevertheless, my views have shifted dramatically this year when a series of behaviors and actions undertaken by the President negated his performance beyond the returns of a strong economy. While I surely do not agree with everything the Dems propose, I adamantly stand by the fact that we need a change in leadership. We need to reinstill basic human decency.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Would you go back to your childhood?
When I think about summer, I'm reminded of my clothes clinging to every part of my body. Sweat pools at my sternum and I feel my socks stick to the bottoms of my shoes. I also always wear a hat outdoors in the summer. Summer is characterized by my blurry selfie camera on my phone from humidity
And then there's fall. Where we are right now. I love the fall because of the crisp air, New England colors, and because it's dahlia season. The leaves crunch everywhere I walk and pine needles that would otherwise not be affected by a storm fall at the slightest gusts of wind. But I love fall because it's also a time where I see and hear a lot of kids playing outside. Their giggles ripple through my windows where I'm studying. When I drive through town, I see kids biking, playing with chalk, jump roping, or probably playing some version of "house".
Sunday, October 4, 2020
It's been a difficult and long week. I don't think I've felt this stressed in a while, if ever. Balancing my performance in classes with college applications is harder than I imagined. Furthermore, the fact that classes are taking more time than I anticipated has dragged my days into midnight.
But there's always something to appreciate, even in these grueling, last couple of weeks before my earlies are due and today, I found that bit of light at Whole Foods. By luck, the moment my mom and I walked through the door, a FiveFork Farms truck pulled up with a fresh batch of dahlias in the most watercolor-esque blends. I love flowers but I rarely buy fresh-cut ones. I dislike when a part of me almost withers with the flowers near the end of their cycle. Nonetheless, these flowers were too good to pass on. Dahlias in the most perfect, spherical shapes of the purples and pinks that I love. I hope they bring a little brilliance to your day too.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Things I love Lately
Week 2 of school done. Onto Week 3. Since it's my senior fall term, it doesn't surprise me that my days are long and filled with to-dos. I completed a daunting list of to-dos this weekend, which I believe will benefit me greatly in this upcoming week as I shy closer to 1 month from turning in my earlies. When I've had a long emotional day, packed with activities, classes, meetings, and homework from 6:30 to midnight, I whisper to myself before bed that it's just 3 more months before I'm completely done with college work. Even during these long days where sunlight hours grow increasingly short, I'm holding onto new things I'm discovering that I enjoy.
Pilates. I tried Pilates back in June and it's really changed the way I workout. Instead of running 5 miles, which equates around 50 minutes of cardio, and then walking a mile, 20 minutes, I will run around 4 miles and do 30 minutes of pilates in the end. I've gotten better muscle tone, hills are easier to run up, and I can finally do 10 good pushups. Recently, I added resistance bands to my routine and I've found that the same exercises are continuously challenging, which I love.
G.E.M. She's a Chinese singer from Taiwan. I've been in love with her music lately. Not traditional Chinese music, but very upbeat pop. From what I've heard, she's pretty well known in Asia and from listening to her music, it doesn't come as a surprise. Though I have trouble picking out the lyrics, unlike other Chinese pop songs, I find the harmonies, the editing, and G.E.M's mixed usage of Chinese and English appealing. Her songs make up the majority of my "on repeat" playlist on Spotify because they're true "all-occasion" songs.
European History. I'm learning about the Renaissance in my European History right now. In previous history classes, the Renaissance was often referred to as a period of "enlightenment" which didn't really make sense to me. It's clear now that the Renaissance was a period of tremendous progress in the arts, sciences, and philosophy. But what intrigues me most about the time was how people's perceptions of their own life changed; they grew more outward-looking. Rather than focusing on the sole mission of getting to heaven, people wanted to live in the now…to be present. And this mentality is in part responsible for the tremendous amount of growth that occurred academically and culturally during the time. I suppose this points to the very importance of community engagement in today's society. While it was certainly emphasized back then amongst Renaissance thinkers, the importance of community service is no less important today in driving positive societal change.
What are things you love lately?
Saturday, September 19, 2020
One week
It's amazing what can change in just one week.
One week. 1/52 of a long year. Small but surprisingly powerful. Some weeks go by and I can't seem to pinpoint any noticeable changes in myself. Others go by and I struggle to realize the amount of chaos,hat occurred happened in just…one week. Why is this? Perhaps that's proves the efficacy of blogging once per week. I believe a person really can change in a matter of one week, for better or for worse.
This past week, I started school.
I got to know my prefects better.
I attended a leadership training session about drugs and alcohol.
I ended a relationship with a friend.
I complied my summer's work of college essays.
I received feedback on my common app essay.
I met all my teachers for the first time.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away at 87.
While each of these moments doesn't directly change me on an individual scale, they collectively represent tangible personal growth in just one week.
I learned more about myself this past week.
My morales of fairness was challenged by my friend.
I adjusted to my schedule for the upcoming 9 nine weeks.
The culmination of a summer's work on college essays faced reality when I sent my drafts out to my counselor.
The political landscape changed from just one week ago.
I am continuously amazed by the power of time. I suppose the only thing truly out of human control is this element. Some things only time can tell. For some, that time can't come quickly enough. For others, every week brings an opportunity to become a better person, to understand something more deeply, to support another. I realize again and again that the element moving me forward most is time. Hence, the power behind just one week.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Anxiety, Senior Year, and my goal
I'm feeling a little anxiety as the first day of classes rolls around the corner. My day begins with my usual workout, followed by the first All School Meeting of the year. My last first ASM of high school.
It's as if everything is a last first. Last first fall term. Last first time driving to campus in the fall. So many imminent changes in this upcoming year, from knowing where I'll go to college to how the remainder of the year will look.
I'm trying to gather my thoughts before classes begin and I haven't yet finished working through the weeds. I thought back to what I wrote last week about summer 2020 being the three months that every preceding summer was spent fretting over. This past week I finally found a cohesive, clear way to say what I've been trying to express. This past summer was the most important summer of my childhood. Most important because it was the culmination of everything I've experienced at this point in my meager 17 years of existence. But it's also the most important because it's the summer that would help me transition from a child into an adult. It's the summer before I moved onto the next phase of my life.
I'm walking into senior year, my first classes, and my last first ASM with one very clear goal for myself. In precedent years, many argued high school was just 3 years plus one term long. And I've heard people say this because many students give up, slack off, or experience an extreme case of senioritis in the winter and spring terms in their final year. My goal is to leave Andover with four solid years of high school under my belt. I signed up for high school, not 3 years and 1 term. I'll continue working hard, learning for the enjoyment of it, and attending all my classes. I must also ensure I continue to choose challenging courses and pushing myself to the limit. Because while I may be moving onto the next phase of my life (college), I'll never finish my academic endeavors so why stop now?
Sunday, September 6, 2020
"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination" -John Lennon
This week, reality slapped. Orientation begins this week. Classes begin in two weeks. The reality is that school is starting back up again, something that felt impossibly far way back in March when the pandemic hit. I suppose a part of me, in March, believed we would never reach this point. But somehow time just flew by, as I usually find out, and the day is creeping in closer than before.
Reality slapped because this past week, I realized my summer is pretty much over. The long-anticipated summer before I apply to college is almost over. The summer where I would spend my days writing essays. A no-messing-around summer. In May, I feared for the subsequent three months before school and a large part of this comes from the anxiety that has built up over the years around summer 2020. I'm on the other side now. I made it through this summer and I accomplished what I had so fearfully accrued.
Reality does leave a lot of room to the imagination. For me, I'm often entranced by the what if's. What if I procrastinated so much and didn't start my essays at all this summer? What if school never started again? What if life got in the way and I fell behind on college apps? The reality is that time will draw everything to a close. Imagination just scares us by making this stretch of time seem farther, larger, and more intimidating than it really is. Hence, to John Lennon's point.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
How kindness manifests
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Some weeks
Some weeks go by faster than others. This past week was another example of those weeks-are-minutes moments. Every minute of the day seemed to be put to use as I worked through some college questions.
Some weeks, history is made and this past week was one of them. For the first time in history, a female person of color has been put on the ballot of a major political party. Kamala Harris would be the first female vice president, first black vice president and first Asian-American vice president if elected. Almost since it's inception, American has never just been one cohort of people; America was built on diversity and immigrants. It's about time that we see that representation in politics. It's not enough for the President, leader, or influencers to say they care about black lives matter, or that they're not racist, or that they support the causes of POCs. They have to show it and nothing shows this celebration of diversity more than through a critical presidential election like 2020.
Some weeks, the weather is scorching behind reason. Every day this past week saw temperatures in the high 80s to 90s. It was terrifyingly hot and a stark reminder that global warming is happening. I usually love to read outdoors and take a nap under the umbrella but it was so hot this past week that sweat seeped through my shirt even if I was sitting still.
Some weeks, waking up is easier than others. This past week I didn't accidentally sleep in. By high school, most people have established a personal system for waking up. Some people need to set the alarm earlier than they actually need to be up and others wake up as soon as it goes off. I'm one of those people who needs to be prepared to wake up so I set my alarm a tad bit earlier than I actually want to be up. The problem I've encountered for much of the summer is waking up 1 to 1.5 hours later. This week I was up within 40 minutes of my alarm going off so my day started just that much earlier but it made me feel greatly productive.
It's about getting through the weeks. I'm looking forward to the week when classes restart. I'm looking forward to the week I turn in my early apps. I'm looking forward to the week when I finally get to see my friends in person. The days just seem to fly by so rapidly they're gone before we realize it. But weeks are still (thankfully) slower.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The Dentist…during COVID
I'm not sure why I'm so surprised by my visit to the dentist's office yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have expected the same old same old protocol, but another part of me wasn't exactly sure what to expect. Blogging this today might just be a stark reminder for the future of what my generation has experienced in what history books will likely call "The COVID-19 Pandemic" or something to that effect.
It began with the door. Signs taped all over the door. Red pages printed out and taped on the inside of the door saying DO NOT ENTER. Call ………… for your appointment. The usual waiting room was gone, the receptionist non-existent, and the comfy chairs that I always sit-in in the waiting room out of sight. I waited outside for my appointment after giving the number on the card a call. A couple of minutes later, my hygienist came out a side door and beckoned for me to enter. She was clad head to toe in a blue gown, the usual dentist's attire. What was different though, was her grey plastic gloves, plastic face shield, and what looks like 3 masks.
The temperature checker beeps and I read 97.9. No fever. I made it past the first phase. Symptoms list. I answer no to all the questions from chest pain to difficulty breathing to fever over 100 degrees in the last week. Phew. Second stage check. Then she squirts the most liquidated hand sanitizer on my hands that I've ever tried. It runs down the side of my hand as my other hand reaches to catch it. "It's super runny," she says. "For higher alcohol content?" I ask. She nods her head in confirmation. When the hand sanitizer dries on my hands, she hands me thick blue plastic gloves in size small. It's only until then that we wind our way through the office and into the room.
I don't see anyone as we're winding our way through the building. All the doors are closed. No one in the hallways. Feels like a ghost office almost. Just me and my hygienist. Even through my mask, I can smell alcohol, cleaning wipes. I can hear machines buzzing throughout the office, which my hygienist explains kills bacteria and viruses in air molecules.
She flosses and cleans my teeth after I swoosh with a liquid that kills bacteria and viruses in the mouth. But she doesn't brush. "Creates an air vacuum," she explains. When I ask whether the retainer cleaning service is still offered, she says it also creates an air vacuum for germs. It's amazing what a pandemic can bring to light. Things we don't even question on a daily basis like what creates an air vacuum suddenly become the most important aspect. Sitting in a waiting room suddenly becomes a problem and wearing three layers of masks becomes a norm.
I saw a total of two people in the dentist's office yesterday: my doctor and my hygienist. But what struck me on the drive back home was frankly how safe I felt. I did not feel like I would get the coronavirus on my trip to the dentist because of the strict protocols. And this is good for the economy. I believe consumer behavior and faith is such an important predictor of economic performance particularly in the upcoming months so if people can just feel safe in their environments, they'll be much more likely to undertake normal activities such as dental appointments. It's just odd that this is now what feels safe.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Every night I watch the news
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The thing I just don't forget
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Have enough courage
"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time" -Maya Angelou